
Amazon has made an announcement of a long-standing policy that all Amazon sellers with over US$10.000/month in sales are required under your selling agreement with Amazon to carry liability insurance over the products they sell on Amazon. The requirement is that all sellers need $1 million in liability coverage, per occurrence and in aggregate, to […]

All Amazon sellers want to win the Amazon Buy Box, which is similar to how all website owners want their site to rank on top of Google search. What is the Amazon Buy Box? What benefits does the Buy Box have that everyone wants to achieve? Let’s find out with Gearment in this article! What […]

Similiar to other specializations, eCommerce uses some terminology and professional terms that might make you confuse. We are here to make it clear. Gearment ecommerce dictionary is a list of eCommerce glossaries with definitions commonly used in eCommerce industry. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P […]

Have you ever heard that half of all Amazon sales came from third-party sellers rather than Amazon directly and ⅔ among those sellers are using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)? FBA is not a new concept as it has been successfully applied to optimize many businesses’ profit margins for decades. It is undeniable that FBA is […]

2020 has been a crazy year, the global economy has experienced a GDP loss of 4.5%. But COVID-19 comprehensively changed and made a significant turning point in the global e-commerce industry. With the closure of many brick-and-mortar stores, B2C and B2B customers are changing their shopping habits and gradually relying on the digital platform channels […]

Bắt đầu từ ngày 1/7/2021, Liên minh châu Âu thay đổi quy định về thuế VAT, và tariff code sẽ được yêu cầu đối với các gói hàng được vận chuyển đến các nước trong khối EU. Tuy nhiên không phải tất cả hàng hóa nhập khẩu vào EU đều phải đóng thuế nhập khẩu […]

Jeff Bezos – Chief Executive Officer of Amazon said that the retail industry is more and more competitive and thriving than ever. Obviously, that brings benefits to customers, they have more choices and perks, lower prices, better customer service, and higher product quality. But, it is a challenge to retailers. Staying competitive in regards to […]

Thị trường bán lẻ toàn cầu ngày càng cạnh tranh hơn, điều đó mang lại rất nhiều lợi ích cho khách hàng, họ có nhiều sự lựa chọn và đặc quyền hơn, giá thấp hơn, dịch vụ khách hàng tốt hơn và chất lượng sản phẩm cao hơn. Nhưng đó lại là một thách thức […]

There are many businesses or brands that achieve success thanks to customer reviews and there are also many that close their business due to bad reviews. Can customer reviews really determine the fate of a business? 89% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business, 79% trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, […]