Major Q4 Shopping Holidays For eCommerce Store in 2021 – Part 2
Quick Summary:
The holiday season is make-or-break for many retailers, major Q4 shopping holidays contribute a significant part of many retailers’ annual revenues and profits. The National Retail Federation (NRF) stated November and December are the most lucrative period of year for the retailers. These two months have an even much more positive impact on small businesses, […]

The holiday season is make-or-break for many retailers, major Q4 shopping holidays contribute a significant part of many retailers’ annual revenues and profits. The National Retail Federation (NRF) stated November and December are the most lucrative period of year for the retailers.
These two months have an even much more positive impact on small businesses, because holiday sales can account for about 40% of annual customer transactions for SMBs. Gearment eCommerce Q4 holiday guide for 2021 will help you when planning a marketing strategy and growing online sales on the biggest shopping season of the year.
Read also: Q4 Shopping Holidays For eCommerce Store in 2021 – Part 1
1. Cyber Monday – 29 November
Cyber Monday is the first Monday that takes place right after Black Friday. Cyber Monday is known as the kick-off day for the US Internet shopping season between Thanksgiving and Christmas. So, it is an important holiday not only in the UK, USA, Canada but also in some other countries around the world. Online sales reached $10.8 billion on Cyber Monday, the biggest U.S. e-commerce day ever, according to Adobe Analytics data. This is even more than the total sales in Black Friday and Amazon Prime Day combined. There’s no doubt that you probably have to join in one of the most commercial days of the year.
Weeks before Cyber Monday arrives, large retailers start dripping previews of specials they’ll run on the big day. Let your customers know what you offer on Cyber Monday by listing them on your website or your online store on e-commerce platforms. This step is more like reminding them to be ready for and be more aware of your special deals.
Also, to avoid losing customers due to the crash of the Internet, think of Cyber Monday as a digital rush to your website. You might not be able to see the traffic coming through your door, but your online shop better be able to handle it. You must check your website and ensure that it should be responsive, mobile-compatible.
2. Free Shipping Day – 14 December
The role of free shipping promotion is never out of date. It plays a call-to-action role in the e-commerce industry where it encourages customers to shop in e-commerce stores instead of going to traditional brick-and-mortar stores. It is quite rational for customers to shop online with offered free shipping since there is no difference in total prices they have to pay in e-commerce stores and traditional stores.
- 90% of consumers view free shipping as the top incentive that would encourage them to shop online more often.
- 86% of shoppers abandon their shopping cart because of the cost of shipping.
- 93% of shoppers claim they will take action to qualify for free shipping by adding items to their cart.
Free Shipping Day is a great day for you to create a special promotion for your products. This day is right before Christmas 2 weeks, so that you can technically guarantee to deliver before Christmas Eve to your customers, ready for their last-minute presents.
3. Christmas Day – 25 December
The biggest holiday of the year is definitely Christmas Eve. The challenges brought on by the pandemic of COVID-19 have instilled new behaviors in consumers, who are spending more time and money online — a trend that could become permanent. About 55% of consumers intend to shop online more post-covid than they did pre-covid. This creates “a lucrative opportunity for ecommerce brands and retailers in the run-up to Christmas 2021”, says ChannelAdvisor senior manager for client strategy Lauren Hérouard.
Gearment’s data from the last few years genuinely recorded the top best-selling products on Christmas. Leveraging our data and choosing what products to sell and which niches to use are extremely important!
Read also: Christmas eCommerce: What To Sell And Which Niche To Use
With it being said, whatever type of products you offer, you can always bundle them during this holiday season. Regardless of what your marketing channel is, we have compiled a list of Christmas promotion ideas that may help you spruce up your holiday marketing and sales strategy.
Read also: Christmas Promotion Ideas For Your eCommerce Stores
You should have enough information about Christmas and get a lot of ideas for your ecommerce store to make the most of this holiday season by now. Keep in mind that it’s never too early to start preparing for the most ecommercial day. The sooner you start planning with Gearment’s products, the more ready you will be when it comes to time to launch the seasonal promotions.
4. Boxing Day – 26 December
Similar to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, retailers offer great deals and promotions for customers on Boxing Day. This is also known as a post-holiday holiday where people snag some of those missed wish-list presents on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
If your target customers are in the UK, Australia or Canada, you definitely need to join this e-commerce day. Black Friday and Cyber Monday started as American traditions, while the UK, Canada, and Australia are more focused on Boxing Day. One more tip to boost sales more effectively on Boxing Day is that if you run ads, you need to target specific countries that are relevant to this holiday.
5. New Year’s Eve – 31 December
The number of online shoppers has risen to 2.14 billion, accounting for 30% of the world’s population. Gearment anticipates that ecommerce sales in Christmas will skyrocket this year. However, don’t overlook New Year’s Eve, which is just as important.
Ecommerce store’s traffic increased by 32% on New Year’s Day. Since people are ready to welcome a new year, shoppers will already be in a shopping mood, and a good advertising campaign can entice them to buy more from your store.
New Year’s Day seems to mark the end of the preceding year as well as the end of the holiday season. However, you can boost your sales by employing efficient New Year marketing ideas and techniques. Start preparing for this upcoming event with Gearment right now!
That’s all the shopping holidays you need to know in Q4 2021 to stay ahead of the competition. It’s now time to pick the best products from Gearment’s category list and capitalize on the trends for your e-commerce stores.
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